Covid-19 is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only within an organism’s living cells. Viruses can infect a wide range of species, from animals and plants to humans. 

The planet has recently been struck by a massive pandemic  known as Covid-19, which affects the human respiratory system. Covid-19 was established in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, and has since spread to several countries. Covid-19 is one of the most contagious diseases for humans, with an estimated 7 million people dying at the hands of it. According to the U.S. State Department Covid-19 is mainly transmitted by droplets from anyone coughing, sneezing, or even chatting within a few feet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.  

Since Covid-19 is a virus that is quickly transmitted through the air and breathed by other humans, it is classified as an airborne disease. That is why people are worried about the Covid-19 virus since it is easy to get contaminated by the Covid-19 no matter where we are or how we keep our distance from other people. 

How do we hinder Covid-19 from spreading? 

Covid-19 is contagious and can be transmitted through the air or on public surfaces such as doorknobs and desks. Humans find it difficult not to grip the handles when we are used to touching the door or stair handles. Here are a few methods for minimizing the distribution of Covid-19. 

Put on a Mask 

This is a common reminder that you should keep in mind as you leave your office or home. As previously said, Covid-19 is quickly dispersed by airborne particles that could be inadvertently inhaled by others. Furthermore, Covid-19 can be dispersed by droplets from people chatting, coughing, or sneezing. To avoid these issues, remember to wear a mask. 

Bring hand sanitizer for you. 

After touching public surfaces or things, wash your hands immediately. The easiest thing to use to reduce infectious agents on your hands is to use hand sanitizer. 

Gloves are recommended. 

One of the easiest ways to avoid touching public surfaces or objects with your bare hands is to wear a glove. You can reduce the risk of Covid-19 contamination by wearing gloves. But don’t forget to wash your gloves regularly! 

Keep your home/office clean daily. 

Cleaning involves manually scraping organic matter from structures, such as germs and soil. Cleaning is essential, particularly in areas like your office desk where other people can come into contact with it. As a consequence, keep your office or home tidy regularly. 

Invest in an air purifier. 

An air purifier is a versatile appliance that can help you increase the condition of indoor air in your workplace or home. Bacteria, particles, pollens, toxins, and likely viruses will all be avoided by using an air purifier. Especially one with a HEPA filter, which can catch particles as small as 0.1 microns. This is an ideal way for you to go beyond and above in avoiding the spread of Covid-19 in your office or home. It is in our best interests to avoid being contaminated with Covid-19. WHO also has recommendations on how to protect yourself from the spread of Covid-19 in public places. 

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